So for today's post, I wanted to try an experiment. I'm actually dictating this blog into an app. So it's transcribing my voice, and then writing it into words. As you read this, it might not sound entirely "correct," but, I'm trying something I'm calling...
Why “Good Design” Matters to Your Business
“Increase profit," "reduce overhead," "limit spending," "grow the company” are words we’ve all heard quite often in the business world from people in charge. “We need more white space,” “the spading in our headers is off,” or “the logo takes up too much of the page”...
The #1 Most Impactful Digital Marketing Channel Right Now?
Before I go too deep into the what the #1 digital marketing channel is, I'd like to start off by stating I intend to keep this article "Evergreen." So while you may be reading this in May 2019 right after I originally published it, if you read it in May 2020 I'll have...
3 Things Every Start-Up Business Should Focus On With Their Digital Marketing
In today's post, we're going to be talking about something that is near and dear to my heart. I am frequently asked these questions: What is the most impactful thing that a small, start-up business owner can do? What are three things that a business should focus on...
Overview of Google Display Ads
If you've been watching our blog, you might have read our last post, “An Overview of Google Search Ads.” Today let’s continue that thread with an overview of Google display ads. What is the difference between search ads and display ads? Let’s quickly review...
An Overview of Google Search Ads
You've probably heard of the world's most popular search engine, Google. As a business owner, I can take time to go into all kinds of statistics and data as to how they're absolutely dominating the search engine category, and how they're greater than 90% of the market...
How To Level Up Your Business Using Twitter
At first, when Twitter was launched, it was basically used just for fun. Only few could have thought of how much of a help it would be for business. But over the years, more businesses have discovered the massive opportunities in the digital world and are now taking...
Using Facebook To Level Up Your Business
For a long time now, Facebook has continued to sit on top of the social media chain, mostly unchallenged. According to studies published by Statista, over a billion people use Facebook every single day. And that is being modest. The monthly count is much higher, at...
Using Instagram To Level Up Your Business
Nowadays, there are no barriers to creating a business. Thanks to technology, anyone can start an enterprise from anywhere in the world. You no longer need to have a place or a lot of money as capital, to begin with. Now that technology is at your fingertips; the...
How YouTube and IGTV affect your business’ marketing
We don’t have to tell you this. Video has forever changed how we market. If a picture is worth more than a thousand words, how can we start to describe the power of video marketing? What you might not know, though, is that we are just getting started. According...
How Consistency Impacts Marketing
Consistency is one of the most important factors that would determine how successful your marketing would be as a small business. Yet, many small businesses today do not pay as much attention to this. Many would like to pretend this is not true, and there is a good...
How To Grow A Business And Bring In Customers By Getting Plenty Of Good Reviews
Any business trying to take advantage of the full range of possibilities of the internet can’t afford to underestimate the power of getting reviews for small business. More than ever, what your customers are saying about you plays a huge role in how successful your...