All Websites Need These 5 Pages
Jonathan Rodriguez
November 17, 2020

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So, you’ve decided that you want to create a website for your business. A website presents all sorts of new opportunities for your business and is possibly one of the steps needed for your growth. There are many reasons why you should have a website.

To create a website, though, you need to know what type of structure it needs to have. When it comes to websites, make sure you have these 5 specific pages that websites need. Without them, your website might not be as helpful and effective as you want it to be.

Why Your Business Needs a Website

Businesses, no matter how large or small they are, need a website. Having a website presents you with many different opportunities. Here are reasons why your business needs a website.

  • Not Missing Potential Customers: Nowadays, many people are doing their shopping and browsing online. You are potentially missing out on hundreds or thousands of customers by simply not having a website that they can visit. Avoid missing out on these customers by creating a website.
  • Search Results: You may be providing a service to the people who know about your business. Unfortunately, you may only be getting new customers from word of mouth or TV ads. People may be searching for your services online, but you don’t popup since you don’t have a website or online presence. This leads to missed opportunities in what could have been a sale. 
  • Build Credibility: For some reason, businesses seem to look more credible if they have a website than if they don’t. Having a website means your customers can always find you and learn more about you. Plus, it reassures them that you are providing something valuable and legitimate. 
  • People Can Find You Easier: Having a website can help people find you through social media, search engines, or online ads. Not having a website can lead to many people not knowing about your business when they should. 
  • Share Who You Are: A business’s website should reflect what the business does. People will know what type of industry that business is in and why they should go with them. Letting people know who you are leaving a great impression on can help them decide whether to go with you or a competitor. 

These reasons are why you should seriously consider having a website for your business. Many other businesses use websites to take them to the next level.

5 Must-Have Pages

Every business should have these 5 specific pages that websites need to start. Without these pages, your website might not be as effective in providing a great user experience. Here are the 5 must-have pages you need on your business’s website and why. 


A “Homepage” is what people first see when they click on your website link or enter your website’s address. It is one of the most important factors in determining if a potential customer is going to stay on your website and navigate through it or if they bounce and leave. Your homepage should have navigation bars to other pages and a visible call-to-action button. Make sure you take your time creating your homepage so that the result is something that a user will stay and engage with. 

About Us Page

The “About Us” page on your business website is where you tell people what your brand is all about. This can include your vision, purpose, mission statement, and goals. It is where you start connecting with people and maybe nurture a relationship with them. You may also include a business origins story to make it more personal.

Products & Services

The “Products and Services” page on your website is what makes or breaks many online businesses. You have to aim to provide a great shopping experience for your customers. Providing them with a poor quality experience can lead to them being frustrated with the process and leaving your website without making a purchase. You have to drive those conversions to keep your business afloat. Make sure your products and services page is easy to navigate and as frustration-free as possible.  

Blog Page

Your “Blog” is where you start educating your customers about you, your business, and the industry you are in. You may also write blogs about random topics that don’t pertain to your business if you want to switch things up every once in a while. Your blog page is also one way your customers and other people can directly interact with you. You can include FAQs, updates, and articles that will inform them. Educating them can help them make a positive action on your website. 

Contact Us Page

A “Contact Us” page is an important resource for your customers and other people who need to get a hold of you. This is an important page that websites need to have since it can provide information for people to reach out to you. With this page, you will receive critical feedback, provide chat support, and share important contact information about your business. Think of it as a customer service page. You will want to provide the best customer service experience to your customers. 

A good example of a contact us page is our page here.

These are the 5 most important pages you need on your website. If you forget to include any of these 5 pages, you might be providing a less than optimal user experience, which can lead to less than optimal website engagement rates. 

All websites should have a homepage, about us page, products & services page, blog page, and contact us page. These pages will provide the user with the best impression and best experience of your website. Don’t rush when creating your website. Instead, take your time to smooth out any rough edges to show the best version of your business.

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