Defining A Customer Experience (CX) Strategy
Alex Masterson
January 17, 2020

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Working to retain information, care more for customers, and doing more to assist your fellow employees can be a daunting task to balance. In order to do all of these things, you need to come up with a strategy in order to accomplish all these tasks at peak efficiency, right? 

Most people would start to panic at the thought of finding this strategy, but no need to fear, we’ve got you covered! Customer experience is the beginning part of the foundation that produces quality when quantity is in high demand and doesn’t look like it’s going to ease up any time soon. With that, let’s dive into what defines a quality CX so you can put your customers first.


What is a CX Strategy?

You may have asked yourself while you read the title: “What is a CX Strategy?” and in essence, it’s relatively simple. A CX strategy is planning out all of a customer’s interactions that they have with your company throughout the buyer’s journey phase. This also includes the actions that you implement for them to make sure they get the most positive, meaningful experience possible. 

Some factors that help implement this strategy are competitive insight, research done by and for the consumer, marketplace data, and the vision and mission of the customer and the company. While you set up your CX strategy, make sure you include all the departments that will help and not just customer-facing departments. You’ll find that when you take this step, it’s easier to keep everyone on the same track towards the same goal, which will help produce the best customer experience.


Maintaining a CX Strategy.

When you find your best CX strategy, it’s helpful to consider some of the things that help produce the best practice in keeping a CX strategy running smoothly. According to Customer Strategist Journal, there should be six practices you should keep in the forefront of your efforts at all times. Let’s go over all of them here.

  • Reachability

The first of these is “Reachability”. Reachability can be summed up in two questions: “What channels is your business active on?” and “How are these channels being used?”. 

  • Service Convenience

The next point to keep in mind is “Service Convenience”, or “Can customers self-serve?” and “How are we utilizing channels to provide service?”. 

  • Purchase Convenience

“Purchase Convenience” is next and can be nailed down to one question. Ask yourself “Do we have any frictions or frustrations in the purchasing process?”. 

  • Personalization

“Personalization” is a big factor here and should be brought up as “How well do we meet individual needs?”. 

  • Simplicity

“Simplicity” is fairly straightforward as it should include questions like “Is the customer journey bogged down or straight forward?” or “Are our services optimized for mobile use?”. 

  • Channel flexibility

And lastly, “Channel flexibility” is a great practice to consider. “Ask yourself, “Is customer context applied throughout all of our utilized channels?” and “Do our customers have behavior history, transactions, and conversations through all of our current channels?”. 

By applying these practices to your CX, you can ensure that your quality of experience will go upwards instead of remaining stagnant. 


The Goal of a Good CX Strategy

Customer experience is a goal that should set your company up in a long-term scope. Just imagine yourself in a customer’s shoes (since we’ve all been there). As a consumer of a product, your experience has been a driving factor on if you would repeat business with that specific company, no matter if the experience was good or bad. 

Now obviously, a good experience is a better driving factor to success, but consider today’s culture. With the expansion of technology, we see more people leaving constant reviews and we can tell for ourselves, based on the reviews, whether or not we’d like to share experiences with a company based on someone else’s experience. Building the best possible CX is a crucial factor in success; however, the building takes time. So take the time, do the research, and streamline your efforts to build a proper system for your CX. 

Customers love communication, so use that to your advantage. Gain data based on customer feedback to improve your CX system. This is a big factor in boosting your experience for everyone. After all, a great experience is great for everyone involved!


If you enjoyed this article, let us know in the comments! At WunderTRE, we live for the opportunity to help businesses with their CX strategies. So, if you need help, check out our customer experience solutions or get started here!

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