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Always Direct Your Leads Back To Your Website: Here’s Why

Always Direct Your Leads Back To Your Website: Here's Why

As a business, one of your goals is likely to be driving leads to your website. You want to drive people who are interested in your products and content as they might be a possible conversion. With the right methods, your website can be a valuable tool for generating leads.

Turn Your Website Into a Lead Generation Tool

Having a website is important as many people tend to do their research on a company by looking for them online. Not having a website might mean that you are losing out on some possible leads. With a website, you can generate leads by using many different techniques and elements. 

To get leads to your website, you have to direct them there. This is where you have to find ways to drive traffic to your website. Increased traffic to your website means receiving some potentially high-quality leads.

Best Ways to Drive Traffic To Your Website

Driving traffic to your website can be a bit easier if you know what methods to use. 

Understand Your Audience

Understanding your audience is a key factor for driving traffic to your website. Not understanding your audience can lead to your website losing their attention. Instead of sticking around and browsing through your site, they might realize that none of your content is of value to them. Don’t let them leave your website without providing value.

Search Engine Optimization

The most common and popular way that people go about searching for products and services is through search engines. There are tons of websites out there that may be similar to yours so standing out from them should be a priority. This is where SEO can be of great help. Using the right keywords and key phrases in your content as well as making your pages SEO friendly can help get your website to the top of search engine results. You just need to know what words your audience uses when typing into search engines as well as what they are looking for. 

Social Media

Social media is another great way for you to drive leads to your website. Using a social media platform such as Instagram can help let your audience know a more personal side of your business. You can curate posts about your business such as deals you may have currently going on or any new announcements. These types of posts can drive leads to your website if they want to take advantage of a sale you may be having or learn more about recent announcements.


Putting some good calls-to-action on your website can potentially be a great way to generate leads on your website. Having well-placed calls-to-action on a page on your website is crucial as you want your visitors to be drawn to it. Along with the placement, the length and design of the call-to-action is just as important. You don’t want your call-to-action buttons to look like other elements on your website. They have to stand out to entice the viewers to click them. 

Relevant Content 

Creating content for your target audience is another method that you can use to drive traffic to your website. You may already be creating content on your website, but not be getting much traffic. Your content might not be relevant to your audience. Your content might benefit from being rewritten and recreated to provide value and relevance to your target audience.

Reasons Why Your Website May Not Be Getting Leads

It is important to monitor your website analytics as it provides a lot of valuable information. You may find out that your website may not be getting much traffic, which is a sign that you are not generating many leads. There are many reasons for this, and here are some of those reasons. 

Long Website Loading Time

A simple reason why your website may not be getting leads is due to the loading time of your website. Think about it from the user’s point of view. They are looking at your website as you may potentially have something they need or want. They click on your website, and then they wait. 10 seconds pass by and they realize that the website is not loading as fast as they’d like it to, so they leave. A website with a long loading time will most likely deter visitors from waiting to get on your website. 

Lack of Genuine and Unique Images

Trust is an important part of the business and customer relationship. So if a visitor visits your website, and they see that you use a lot of stock images, they might be more hesitant to purchase a product or use a service that you provide. Taking your own pictures and placing them on your website gives your business a much more credible appearance rather than one that uses stock images. 

Frustrating Website Design

Providing a poor user experience is a surefire way to ensure that leads don’t revisit your website. A key contributing factor to a poor user experience is a frustrating or awkward website design. Websites should be easy to navigate, sleek, and clean. When a website is confusing to navigate, has many things going on in it, and lacks a good aesthetic, visitors and potential leads will likely leave your website, and never return.

Lacks a Mobile Version

A big no-no in today’s digital world is not having a mobile version of your website available. Many people use their mobile devices to visit various websites, and yours might be one of them. Browsing a website on a mobile device is different though. 

A mobile website must be touch-friendly, easy to navigate, and clean. Anything less or not close to resembling that leads to people being turned away from your website. If your website only has a desktop version available, then maybe it is time to consider making a mobile one. 


Your website can be a valuable tool when it comes to generating high-quality leads. It all starts with driving people to your website so that way they can see what you can offer them.

Get started on improving your website today!

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